Thanks as always, Tara! I appreciate you so much.

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Thank you Tara for your initiative and great work on this Substack, and I wish you only success in all your now projects!

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Likewise to you. I thought of you when I was researching my latest Quiet Reading post about a plant. Turns out the whole thing is edible, and a blogger who seemed to have tried all the parts recommended the roots. I could forage my yard, but for now I will just smell the flowers. As you've said before, it's important to have a good guide. May peace come soon.

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Oh wow, sounds fascinating. I'm gonna take a look now there.

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Tara, this is a wonderful "send-off" for PeaceLinks, and a testament to your good work. Thank you for introducing us to so many wonderful writers, and for including me and Chicken Scratch. Onward, with gratitude!

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Thank you, Elizabeth. This project has had its own vibe, separate from Quiet Reading (or enchantment, either way), and I'm awfully glad to have found you and others I admire immensely. The project certainly exceeded my expectations in every way. Onward, yes!

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Tara, thank so much for Peacelinks and for all the work you do. Thanks, too, for the mention and your continuing support.

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My pleasure, John. This Substack garden is a wondrous place of discovery.

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Dear Tara, Congratulations on a great run with Peacelinks, and also to your graceful exit. It’s been a delight to be part of the community and to collaborate with you. And hooray for Quiet Reading!

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Thank you, Sal. I’m looking forward to our next collaboration, too. Once Julie gets her new features going, I say we nudge her. ;-)

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Yes! She just mentioned a desire to collaborate again, so I think she's ready to start dreaming.

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