All peaceful (or peace-driven) and yet urgent in their own ways. As a former homeschooling parent, I hear your new friend Adrian's call for education reform in the same way I hear the demands for food system reform, which is a matter that has infused most of my career. I keep having to remind myself of the concept of acting within my sphere of influence. There are so many places where work is needed. Thanks for bringing light to these, Tara.

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Knowing that "sphere of influence" is really essential to peace of mind, isn't it? I too find that it takes conscious reminders to let some things go when my energy is better directed elsewhere. I'm excited to try Lenore Skenazy's "Let's Grow" link. Once in awhile, someone's good idea really does lighten other people's load. Thank you for reading, Elizabeth.

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I love all of these collected resources.

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Me too. :-) Thank you, Substack, for the space to play.

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Thank you Tara! I love all your resources. I’m anxious to read the links you’ve shared about anxiety etc for adolescents…it’s been a rough month for kids in our community and schools, we must all give our attention to this matter! 💟

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I love that the schools and researchers are on it and coming up with fresh ideas for right now. It really has been a crazy time here. I hope it settles down for the kids. 💕

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